catching z's: the millennials guide to mindfulness

We're very excited to share with you this episode.  It has a special place in our hearts as you will hear in the opening dialogue.  Susan was a huge inspiration to us when we first got started teaching Mindfulness to 6th through 8th graders and it was cool for us to talk to her first hand.  We talk about the circumstances that got her into mindfulness and then how she continued that practice with meditation cassettes of Jack Kornfield, Sharon Salzberg, and Joseph Goldstein.  We talk about what to consider when developing mindful games for children and how early you can teach children this practice. She speaks candidly about her experience writing her first book, The Mindful Child,  and then replicating that process for her second book, Mindful Games.  Susan was an absolute delight and a very humble person and we loved getting a chance to chat with her! 

Click on the arrow above to listen to the full podcast which includes a guided meditation, click on the the arrow below for the guided meditation only.



10% Happier with Dan Harris, #121: Susan Kaiser Greenland and Annaka Harris, Teaching Mindfulness to Kids

