Change your Mind, Change the World

When our minds change - when we feel more relaxed, less stressed, and less reactive - our bodies change too. And when our minds and bodies change our behavior changes, which shifts outcomes, which in turn affects what happens in the world.  

In this live, half-hour track I talk about the beneficial chain reaction that meditation puts into motion and offer tips on two important aspects of meditation - why we practice and how we hold ourselves. It's from a class I offer in Los Angeles for busy parents.


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The track below is the full 30-minute class.

Changes in our minds change our bodies, right? That's one of the reasons that we meditate. When our minds change - for instance, when we feel more relaxed, less stressed, and less reactive - our bodies change too. And when our minds and bodies change, our behavior changes, which changes outcomes, which change what happens in the world. In this half-hour, live track from Susan Kaiser Greenland's class "Mindfulness for Busy Parents" at Unplug Meditation in Santa Monica, Susan talks about for ten minutes about this beneficial chain reaction that meditation puts into motion - and offers tips concerning two important aspects of meditation - why we practice (our motivation) and how we hold ourselves.

The following is the 20-minute guided meditation without the introduction.

These live tracks are from a class I offer in Los Angeles for busy parents. For dates, times, and more information, click here.





This Is What It Is Right Now


10% Happier with Dan Harris, #121: Susan Kaiser Greenland and Annaka Harris, Teaching Mindfulness to Kids