Mindfulness & meditation themes from Time-Honored Wisdom Traditions

Discover the universal mindfulness and meditation themes that cultivate a vast, expansive mindset. These themes, drawn from time-tested wisdom traditions, help us shift our perspectives from narrow, survival-driven mindsets to grounded and expansive worldviews. By embracing these attitudes and insights, we foster resilience and kindness, empowering ourselves to build a more compassionate and resilient world. Explore how these themes can be integrated into your daily practice for both personal and collective growth.

In the Inner Kids model, we explore universal themes that help us navigate life's ups and downs with wisdom and compassion. Below you’ll find the themes we commonly work with. Note that we included the phrase “We remind ourselves” in each description as a nod to the remembering function of mindfulness. This can also be easily adapted to a more personal mantra of “I remind myself,” depending on your preferences.

We use this terminology to reframe the power dynamic and empower children and adults to utilize their innate mindfulness. In other words, instead of directing someone to speak or act in a particular way, we’ve found that it can be more helpful to say something like, “I remind myself that…” or “We remind ourselves that…”  See more concrete examples of what we mean in each universal mindfulness theme below.

Inner kids model