Mindfulness, meditation + more
Mindfulness and meditation based activities, music, podcasts, visualizations, and guided meditations.
5 Enthusiastic "Yesses" for Every "No," from Mindful Parent, Mindful Child
A cognitive bias that gets a lot of attention, at least in meditation circles, is the negativity bias. Simply put, having a negative bias means we’re wired to give more weight to lousy news than good news. Let’s change that with this guided practice where we focus on the good.
Mindfulness First
When strong emotions take over, it’s called emotional hijack—a term from Daniel Goleman’s Emotional Intelligence. This guided meditation teaches mindfulness-based calming strategies to quiet your nervous system, helping you regain openness, flexibility, and focus. Perfect for adults seeking balance and resilience.
Insights At the Edge Podcast with Tami Simon: Nothing Is More Important than Teaching Mindfulness To Kids
Susan talks with Tami Simon, the founder of Sounds True, about all things related to mindfulness for kids and parents, including ways to lead a kinder, wiser, and happier life.
Introduction to Mindful Parent, Mindful Child: An Audio Journey from Sounds True
The surest way to raise a mindful child is to be a mindful parent.
Becoming Comfortable With Uncertainty
Kids whose parents are comfortable saying “I don’t know, at least not yet, let’s figure this out together” have more agency and control. And so do their parents.
This Is What It Is Right Now
Life has a way of throwing curve balls and it’s up to us how we respond. What would happen if we loosened our grip instead of clamping down?
Change your Mind, Change the World
When our minds change - when we feel more relaxed, less stressed, and less reactive - our bodies change too. And when our minds and bodies change our behavior changes, which shifts outcomes, which in turn affects what happens in the world.
10% Happier with Dan Harris, #121: Susan Kaiser Greenland and Annaka Harris, Teaching Mindfulness to Kids
Fun, wide-ranging conversation with Susan Kaiser Greenland, Dan Harris and Annaka Harris (no relation) on everything from advice for sharing mindfulness with kids, to the origin story of the Inner Kids Foundation, to somewhat controversial topics like careerism and teaching kids a practice that evolved from Eastern spiritual traditions.
catching z's: the millennials guide to mindfulness
Susan was a huge inspiration to us when we first got started teaching Mindfulness to 6th through 8th graders and it was cool for us to talk to her first hand.
In this seven-minute guided practice, children and teens get comfortable, relax, and gaze at the sky to explore what’s happening within and around them.
awakening now! be here now network
Lama Surya Das talks with Susan Kaiser Greenland about teaching mindfulness to the younger generation.
larb radio hour
Can mindful meditation be the antidote to political toxicity? Will a morning meditation routine ease our anxiety?
preschool and beyond podcast
Susan Kaiser Greenland, author of The Mindful Child and Mindful Games, visits the podcast to discuss introducing preschoolers to mindfulness.
yoga body podcast
Mind-body wellness is typically something we explore as adults, but it’s never too early to start, and the sooner and the better. Our guest this week is an expert on teaching mindfulness to young people, and for any parent, educator, or soon-to-be caregiver, this is a must-listen.
don't keep your day job with cathy heller
Freeing your mind with Susan Kaiser Greenland on the Don’ Keep Your Day Job Podcast with Cathy Heller
just like me
We think of things we have in common with someone who seems different than us and silently say, “he or she is just like me.”
stop, breathe, and be
In this 10-minute guided practice with Susan Kaiser Greenland, we notice how our minds and bodies feel when we stop, breathe, and be.
everything changes in the rain
We listen to the sound of the rain and remember that everything changes. A 6-minute guided meditation for all ages.