mindfulness & Meditation lessons + more
Access a comprehensive video library of mindfulness and meditation lessons and activities for both kids and adults. Learn about the Inner Kids model, which brings mindfulness to homes, schools, and clinics through engaging, activity-based practices, and Susan’s latest book Real-World Enlightenment. Explore presentations and guided meditations to cultivate resilience, well-being, and emotional intelligence. Visit Susan Kaiser Greenland’s YouTube channel for more resources and integrate mindfulness into your educational practices today!
Focus on What We Have In Common
In a polarized world, we can build bridges by focusing on common themes that cut across time-tested wisdom traditions instead of focusing on our differences.
Letting Go Without Giving Up
Allowing means learning to be with what's happening when it's happening. We don't give up working to make the world a better place. We just recognize, "This is what's happening now. Nothing I can do about it right now, but maybe there's something I can do about it later."
What Seeds Will You Plant Today?
When we plant seeds of confidence, patience, and kindness, those are the qualities that grow. When we plant seeds of doubt, restlessness, and cruelty, those qualities grow instead. What seeds will you plant today?
Pizza Meditation
Are you game to try a pizza meditation?
You can think of anything you like in this meditation.
Except for pizza.
Thoughts, Emotions, and an Awareness Meter
We use an awareness meter and barrel of plastic monkeys to demonstrate how to work with thoughts and emotions when we meditate.
Explaining the Mind-Body Connection Using a Hoberman Globe
Susan playfully explains the mind-body connection using a colorful Hoberman Globe.
A Lesson In Perspective Taking Using a Toy Bat
Sometimes one thing can look different to different people, even though it’s the same thing. Can you think of examples from your life where two or more people look at the same thing but see it from different perspectives?
A Lesson In Noticing What's The Same And What's Different Using a Handful of Toy Bears
We develop the life skills Seeing & Reframing when we notice what's the same and what's different about a handful of toy bears.
Susan demonstrates the Snow Globe Game
By moving our attention away from what we're thinking to an experience in the moment, our minds help our bodies settle.
How an Apple Can Help Kids Understand What’s Happening Now
Our past is a part of us, but we needn't get distracted by it. Nor, do we need to be preoccupied with what will happen in the future. Instead, we can enjoy the moment.
Melting Ice
We hold a cube of ice until it melts to notice the difference between a feeling and a reaction. (Game led by Gene Lushtak.)