meditations + more for adults

If you’re new to meditation, it can be helpful to start with brief, frequent practices to build up your “mindfulness” muscle. As adults, we have become so accustomed to the lightning speed and the cacophony of modern life that it can take some time to adjust our minds to moments of true calm and mental space. But keep at it and you’ll begin to develop greater mind-body awareness, cultivate more caring, connected relationships, and reduce stress. These practices are designed to keep it simple and helpful. So, take a break from the busyness and chaos of life and try out one of these simple practices to bring a moment of joy and peace to your day.

  • Simple, mindful insights & lessons for all ages.

  • Mindfulness enhances our health and quality of life at any age. It’s no wonder so many of us want to teach mindfulness to our kids—but how can a busy parent find both the time and the right approach? Discover the life-changing power of mindfulness together—in just ten minutes a day in these guided meditations from Susan’s audio series for parents.

  • Join Susan as she shares practical insights and techniques on popular podcasts.

  • Guided meditations to develop steady, flexible attention that builds our capacity to focus and quiet our minds and bodies.

  • Guided meditations to develop balance that enhances our capacity to see and reframe our situations.

  • Guided meditations to develop our capacity to speak, act, and relate to others (and ourselves) with compassion also build our capacity to care and connect.

mindful parent, mindful child

Listen to these practices and learn some of the concepts from this audio collection

meditations for focusing + quieting

Guided meditations to develop steady, flexible attention that builds our capacity to focus and quiet our minds and bodies. The six social, emotional, & academic life skills that mindfulness builds are symbiotic, though, and as we develop in one area, we also develop in others.

meditations for seeing + reframing

Guided meditations to develop balance that enhances our capacity to see and reframe our situations. The six social, emotional, & academic life skills that mindfulness builds are symbiotic, though, and as we develop in one area, we also develop in others.

meditations for caring + connecting

Guided meditations to develop our capacity to speak, act, and relate to others (and ourselves) with compassion also build our capacity to care and connect. The six social, emotional, & academic life skills that mindfulness builds are symbiotic, though, and as we develop in one area, we also develop in others.

audio lessons

Simple, mindful insights & lessons for all ages.


Join Susan as she shares practical insights and techniques on popular podcasts.

mindfulness resources for adults